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Discover the one thing Women do wrong when it comes... to Finding Love
And if you change this one thing... Your Love life will change forever!
An off the Radar method to STOP meeting Love Rats!
  •  The FASTEST and easiest way to change your Love life from bad to AMAZING!
  •  Skyrocket your natural Charisma to attract a guy who is truly right for you!
  •  100% GUARANTEED to STOP groundhog day feelings that your love life is never going to improve. 
  •  Become an awe-inspiring confident woman who knows who is truly good for her!
  •  Smooth sail your way to an uncomplicated method that gets the love result you've been looking for
  •  A How To Guide to be a happier and emotionally smarter woman about love
  •  Wave goodbye to out of date love habits that hinder you from improving your love life! 
  •  Take away the pain of finding love and kick start your way to finding your 'forever' love.
  •  A road map that is simple, easy and fun, so you can enjoy your love journey NOW!
Approved by thousands of prominent doctors, scientists and health professionals!
The Cracking The Love Code system I'll share with you today will only work if you are tired of: 
Internet Dating and not getting anywhere
  •  Internet Dating and not getting anywhere
  •  Don’t bother looking for love because you feel you’ll get hurt 
  •  Tired of being rejected by guys 
  •  Have a deep mistrust that there are any decent men out there 
  •  Are tired of even thinking that your love life can change! 
Because let’s face it…

You’ve probably spent crazy amount of years looking for love…
And you’re tired of being in the same situation…
But maybe you don’t feel there seems a clear path forward…

Until NOW…
So… if you are single and maybe even not sure if you want to find a healthy relationship or not…

I'm Georgia Foster and rest assured: Being pretty much permanently single till I was 43 was a struggle for me too!

Until I stopped doing what everyone told me to do!

In this program you will discover how to attract your ideal mate without risking rejection or having to trawl dating sites without success

A straight forward, no-nonsense method of attracting your dream partner without sacrificing your lifestyle or your bank account...
I am going to show you why you MUST AVOID this one common habit if you want to find a healthy relationship..

You know what I mean?
  • The sort of relationship that is good for you and your self-esteem…
  •  A relationship that doesn’t make you feel less than them… 
  •  A relationship that makes you feel loved… 
  •  A relationship that is respectful 
  •  Finding a guy who has integrity and is kind and supportive of you… 
  •  A guy who isn’t some else’s too! 
  •  Even better a partner who is emotionally available rather than distant with poor communication…
    You may think you've tried it all, or seen all, when it comes to finding love..

    You may have thought you tried everything, from reading the expert's books to endless hours on Google... sound familiar?

    Breakthroughs often happen when you think you've tried it all and seen it all...

    Then, out of nowhere, you stumble upon something totally new... something that causes everything to 'click'....
    Well, today you'll discover a totally different approach to attracting a loving partner and one strategy in particular that makes all the difference!

    Good news: today, all your confusion will vanish...

    A method of finding love that you've never considered before, even if you think you've tried it all...

    I'm about to reveal an approach to getting the relationship you want that's totally unique, surprisingly simple, and works for anyone at any age.

    This will not only renew your hope... it will change the way you look at love forever.

    However this tried and test program has helped 1,000’s of women all over the world create a new mindset to finding loving relationships, irrespective of their life circumstances and past history.
    You can do all the dating you want, but if your love life history is full of heartache, hurt, rejection and fear your mind will tend to default to guys who are like that.  So it is not surprise women continue to attract the wrong type of guy over and over again and start to question, 'What is wrong with me?'

    The good news, there is nothing wrong with you.  You've just got the wrong Love DNA.  It's like a having a habit of attracting the wrong type of guy.

    The good news is you can change this love habit  to a healthier one with our one of kind formula.

    Oh, and I might add, you may not recognise Mr Right in front of you because of past relationships that have affected your self esteem, so you have lost your faith in knowing who is right for you too .

    We are here to help you change this thinking NOW!
    The program was developed by Suzy Walker, Editor of Psychologies Magazine, who has also been hailed by the Daily Mail as ‘the top ten guru to change your life around’ and Georgia Foster, an author and leading therapist, speaker and creator of the hugely successful ‘7 Days To Drink Less’ program.

    Together, they share many relationship experiences personally, so they get the ‘single’ side of life and know the on-going frustration of finding Mr Right.

    Collectively, they have been in the self-help industry since 1995 learning pioneering techniques in human nature and how we think, feel and behave in ways that can hold us back when it comes to finding love.

    More importantly, Suzy and Georgia’s backgrounds have elevated their individual trainings, results based approach and client outcomes to give you the best in changing your thinking about love and relationships.
    This 21 Day Program will help you discover…
    •   What out of date beliefs hinder your best made love finding plans and how to change them
    •  How to re-train your mind to be open to a relationship that is good for your self esteem 
    •  Find out what your unique love personality is and how it can help you find love 
    •  Create a love map that takes you on a very different journey to where you have been 
    •  How to let go of the 'perfect' relationship idea so you can find the relationship that is truly good for you 
    •  How to change your childhood conditioning that stops you from finding true love 
    •  Discover what is really important in finding your perfect match 
    •  Creating an emotional antennae that protects you from old out of date BAD love habits!


    Do you want to know what it feels like to enjoy calm, confidence and real peace with a new relationship? Well stop for a moment and think about how this might be possible.
    Cracking the Love Code
    The 21 Day program will train your brain for love. You will use easy meditation tools and channel your thoughts in order to enter a state of deep hypnosis, allowing you to re-program your thinking and learn how to attract a healthy relationship into your life.
    I am Georgia Foster and I am an expert in helping women overcome self doubt and anxiety about their past relationships with a simple and highly effective result based program.  
    My special approach has been featured in The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, Psychologies Magazine, The Telegraph, as well as being regularly featured on Sky News and The Morning Show just to name a few.
    Here is my story:

    It may have been a warm spring day in May, 2008 but it still cuts like a knife thinking about my eternal single life. 

    My random dating history and brief encounters with men would make a great sad but true movie!
    I know my journey is the same for many single women who genuinely are looking for a decent guy… but I definitely didn’t attract them!

    There was always a common theme...  

    They were in their own way kind’ve charismatic, witty, clever but under all of that they were never really in the relationship.  

    One of my friends said they always seem to have one foot out the door and I tried too hard to make it work. 

    After a few dates, the criticism started such as  "I don’t normally go out with brunettes, but I hear they are more intelligent" or "if you lost a few pounds you could be so much more attractive."

    And the guys who probably in hindsight were good for me, I just didn’t like. 

    Don’t get me wrong I did met some decent guys but they all seemed just too boring. 

    I was looking for someone who was exciting! 

    It just seemed these sorts of guys just weren’t good for my self-esteem. 

    Another friend called me the ‘Love Rat Radar!’ She said I attracted men who were users and abusers… Men who didn’t really want a relationship who were cleverly deceiving me with their instant charm… to whoa me into a sense of false hope

    Truth was, she wasn’t wrong!
    My head was constantly scrambled with who was right for me and who wasn’t. I kept thinking, surely, I MUST know who is good for me!

    I felt constantly defeated by men and love. I felt always there was something wrong with me. I dieted too much then binge ate too much as I thought it must be me because most of my friends were in relationships… why wasn’t I?

    Then one day after a year of abstaining from dating sites, I decided to go into the abyss of this mine field… just one more time.
    It was funny because I remember sitting there on a cold rainy day with glass of red wine while trawling all the men’s profiles who were best suited to me. 

    The one definite trait they had was to be close to their family because I came from a loving family and it was important they had this same value. I mean that is not too much to ask?

    There was this guy who really caught my eye. so, I winked at him and then he winked back at me straight away. Two days later we were meeting in a bar and within minutes I just knew the date was going to go well. 

    He was just perfect for me. 

    The evening was going by so quickly. He told me how he was really close to his family and how much time they spent together. 

    All the right signals were there.

    We spent a crazy few days together and when apart there was constant texting with lots of giggles and late night sexy messages. I felt this real gut urge that this guy was the one and he told me he felt the same way. 

    Then I had a really busy week at work, so I couldn’t respond as much as I had been. So, after a ‘very’ long week of pinning for him, I couldn’t wait for our date on Friday night.

    We arranged to meet in town at this swanky new restaurant and I had nipped out at lunchtime to buy a seriously expensive dress.
    I think with all the excitement of meeting him, I had lost a bit of weight and was feeling really good. 

    However, the reception I received from him was just ‘weird!’ 

    He was in such a mood… 

    He kept talking about my job really negatively and suggested maybe it was too demanding... 

    It was just getting weirder by the minute. 

     I kept trying to change the subject and move onto some positive things and then he said that I don’t have space for desert and that I clearly didn’t need it while he was pointing at my stomach!

    I was crushed…

    I was shocked…

    I started to feel sick with anxiety and went to the bathroom to give myself a bit of breathing space.

    I had done it again… 

    I had fallen for yet another guy who said he usually went out with blonde, tall model types.. and clearly, I just wasn’t good enough. 

    But I thought I’ll give it a go one more time. 

    Maybe he had just had a bad day at work and was taking it out on me.

    I went back to the table to see the bill was there. 

    I couldn’t believe it. 

    He said he didn’t feel like coming back to my house tonight, so I suggested I go to his…
    He looked at me with disgust and said ‘He didn’t think it was working. That he was looking for someone who was wife material not a fling!’

    I was devastated. 

    As I composed myself enough to say goodbye, the moment I got into the taxi the tears started flowing… 

    The taxi driver asked if I was alright and I said, "I had just had my heart broken again!" 

    How many times am I going to do this to myself?... 

    I made my mind up that was it.. no more dating and no more men. 

    I had had enough! 

    Enough of never feeling good enough and enough of feeling like I wasn’t good enough. 

    I just didn’t have the emotional strength anymore. 
    I declared complete singledom rather than the war of dating that plagued my self-worth and just took up too much time. 

    The next day with my heart aching and my head totally confused…

    I walked along the river feeling sad, alone and questioning myself. 

    What did I do wrong? 

    Why did he not like me? 

    What could I have done to change his mind? 

    This happens all the time. 

    Why do I attract men who are not right for me? 

    Why do I repeat this same pattern of intense meetings, loving evenings and then BANG they just stop liking me…
    I walked past a shop and noticed a sign in the window about a psychic who was in town. It said she had solved many FBI mysteries and some celebrities had been to see her. 

    At first, I thought, don’t be silly Georgia, it will be a waste of time and money a rip off but then I thought.. you know what why not! I am single, I am free to do what I want when I want!

    I walked into a heavily incensed room to be greeted by ‘Clara’ the Psychic.

    She said please sit down I have a friend who wants to talk to you called Sue. This seriously freaked me out! 

    How did she know this? 

    I had recently lost a very dear friend to cancer called Sue. 

    Clara said Sue wanted to reassure me my latest upset was going to actually be a gift. A gift?

    What another unkind man hurting me? 

    I laughed at the psychic and took it with a grain of salt. 

    She then said Sue said, "Please there is a new horizon where you are going to meet a man and have three children, but it won’t be for another 5 years!"

    I thought now she is really taking me for a ride. I told her I couldn’t have children due a medical condition and that being 41 at the time, that was complete rubbish.

    I left the shop feeling seriously ripped off and dreading my next stop which was meeting my 3 closest friends who were all in relationships. We were meeting in a local café for a Saturday lunch.

    As the wine poured so did my heart as I told my friends the latest saga in my love life. 

    They all had that look which really got my back up!
    One of my friends said to me "Georgia, we’ve been talking, and we think maybe you need to go and see a therapist to understand why you keep attracting the same type of guy?" "You know guys that just don’t seem right for you!" 

    I was shocked. 

    I was a therapist myself! 

    How dare she say this to me. 

    How dare my friend be so awful to me. 

    I kept my composure during the lunch pretending that all was okay, but I just couldn’t wait to get out there. I couldn’t wait to escape these unhelpful friends.

    I just thought it couldn’t get any worse… It couldn’t be anymore awful that fateful weekend… I couldn’t believe my closest friends had all been talking about me behind my back like there was something wrong with me rather than the men I had been dating.

    But it did get worse. Seriously worse….

    I’ll share more of my story a little bit later, but the one thing is…

    You know that psychic’s prediction?  

    You know me with the man and 3 children?

    Stick around…

    Have I got a bizarre true story to tell YOU with photos to prove it too!
    LISTEN: Let me now show you the most powerful, focused, and simple step-by-step solution to your success
    There's no reason to try this on your own. We've already done all the work for you! 

    There's no need to scratch your head in frustrationbecause we've already created the IDEAL System for you! 

    It's a System that's we've perfected and tested for years on countless thousands of women like you, and it works virtually every single time. 

    Do you resonate with any of these feelings about finding love?
    •  Avoid finding a relationship because it's never worked out in the past
    •  Feel isolated from family and friends because you are not in a relationship 
    •  Scared of being hurt again, so you don't bother finding love any more 
    •  Stop going out because you think 'What is the point!' and this makes you feel sad 
    •  Have a mistrust that there are any decent guys out there 
    •  It's easier to be single because at least you won't get hurt again... and again... and again
    If you tick any of the boxes, it’s time to move on and start to live your love life the way you truly deserve it to be!

    And the good news is you don’t have to tell anyone! It's private and easy to use to get fast results!
    My program is not, like traditional therapies, which often encourages people to recall or relive difficult and traumatic memories. Such memory recall can trigger and heighten anxiety and panic. My progressive, and proven approach will show you how to move on from your past relationship history irrespective of what has happened and the ‘when, how and why it started’.
    This program works for women, no matter how young or old you are and irrespective of you history of anxious thoughts and feelings.  
    TODAY is the day when you can change all that.
     In just 21 days you can begin to move on with your new life.
    Simply put: if you have a history of unhappy relationships, the good news is, that is your past. Cracking the Love Code is a program like no other you will have come across before.
    AND it’s backed up by many Neuroscientists due to the fact our unique approach uses a combination hypnotic techniques. These techniques are combined with a powerful psychology, which will assist you to shift your thinking away from unhelpful thoughts and into a state of trust. 
    Now let’s go back to my story!

    After that awful lunch with my friends, I left feeling seriously sorry for myself and decided I needed to stay away from these so-called buddies for a while, so I could gather my thoughts on what was really going on.
    As I walked home, I kept thinking maybe my friends were right. 

    Maybe I needed to understand why I kept attracting the same type of guy. 

    Why I never met anyone who was really good for me or my self-esteem. 
    I decided after that crazy weekend of events that I would dedicate my personal time to finding the answer.

    I started doing some work on myself and asking the universe to give me the answers… So, I could shift this pattern of thinking about men and relationships. 

    I must say it did take some time but then when self-exploring I know there has to be some patience. 

    The interesting thing was, I started to attract clients who were looking for love and I realised the methods I was using on myself were working with my female clients too. 

    Even better news was: I started to notice the men who I used to find attractive… just weren’t on my radar anymore.
    I had been working on my emotional antenna theory and it was working. I had changed my man antenna and so were my clients!

    Then a friend who I had lost contact with emailed me out of the blue and said she wanted to introduce me to a guy who she had just started working with and she thought he would be perfect for me.

    With a deep hesitation but trust in my buddies glowing report of him, I thought okay ‘I’ll do it’ but I was completely on edge about it.

    So, we met and yes, he seemed like a great guy but there just seemed something not right. We did have a lot in common but slowly but surely over the weeks, the criticism kicked in. 

    A little hint here and there that I ate too much, I drank too much, I wasn’t paying enough attention to him and that I needed to stop spending so much time with my friends if I was going to make this relationship work.
    At first, I thought it was a lovely gesture ‘You know the old Georgia love thinking…’ 
    Then something JUST clicked… 

    I JUST knew this guy was the same as all the other ones… he was doing the same things that I used to think was to do with me… 

    The red flag was flying wildly in front of my own eyes.

    My mind kind’ve rang this intuitive bell telling me THIS GUY IS YOUR PAST. 

    Now learn from it. 

    Use this as your opportunity to know the signs that this is not right. 

    So, I tested it out. I defied him and went out with my friends. I ate and drank when I wanted to with the wrath of his looks.

    And I knew! 

    I had cracked this unhelpful love code.

    I had cracked this habitual love thinking. 

    Because I knew it was him and not me and that I didn’t need this drama and criticism in my life.
    I knew I didn’t need this ever ever ever again!

    I’d wised up and felt euphoric that I had decided to get on with my love life in a way I wanted it to be rather than the old thinking ways of what ‘I thought it should be’. 

    What is that saying… The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and thinking you’re going to get a different result?

    Well the good news was my thinking had changed I could feel I was getting a different result.
    A few days later I went to a talk and met this seriously inspiring motivational coach called Suzy Greaves. 

    We clicked instantly and over many coffees we realised that we were on the same path… to understand the power of the mind and why some female minds attracted healthy positive relationships and why others didn’t!

    Don’t get me wrong it did take some years and along the way we made some startling discoveries that to this day blow my mind and ultimately changed my life!

    Because now I have an amazing loving and kind partner called Ian.

    In the past Ian although very attractive, tall and quite striking, he didn’t have the Love Rat stamp, so potentially I would have overlooked him.

    The sad truth is... In the past if I had not have been on this transformation journey to change my own ‘love thinking’ I would be still searching for that Love Rat. 

     Why? Because my mind was stuck on the same old program of attracting men who would never be available. Men who would never love me and would never truly make me happy.

    It might sound simple now, but the journey was painful, long and enduring but ultimately seriously worth it!

    Because 3 amazing things happened… 

    Firstly, I met Suzy who was the most amazing co-collaborator in finding the secret to changing Brain love conditioning. 

    Then I met Ian who as my sister says ‘has integrity’ and most importantly makes me laugh and lets me be who I am and doesn’t want to change me… 

    And the ultimate surprise having triplet boys at the age of 46!
    We normally sell this entire package for US$479 but before I reveal today's price let me tell you again what your going to get.
    The full online Cracking the Love Code Includes includes:
    •  21 Days of Life Changing Talks that demonstrate your ability to Improve your Love Code!
    •   7 Powerful Self Hypnosis Audio Recordings 
    •   BONUS: The Stress Less Mind eBook with accompanying Audio Recording
    The Stress Less Mind ebook with digital recording is valued at $50
    Why is it not going to cost you anymore? We would feel stupid charging you more because you’ve probably spent more time and money than you have wanted to in hope of finding that loving guy who is good for you.
    Oh… did I mention this?
    What you will experience would be the equivalent of $2100 for 3 private sessions with me.
    Why does this ground-breaking program work for people just like you?
    Take a peak at what you will learn below:
    •  Powerful Neuroplasticity techniques that eliminate anxious feelings about finding love
    •  My unique psychology training called Inner Dialogue 
    •  Discover what personality traits encourage poor love decisions and how to create the one that knows how to find a relationship that is truly good for you
    •  Create an emotional antennae that attracts guys who are good for you and rid yourself the ones who are not instantly! 
    •  It’s private, so no expensive therapy sessions and no waiting room anxious moments anymore! 
    •  Get on with your love life without the pain and heartache and have fun instead! 
    •  Become more charismatic so when you walk into a room you feel good about you!
    •  Lift the lid on the trade secrets of women who attract guys who are good for their self esteem
    I WARN YOU after this program you'll notice you are calmer, more confident and just generally happier. Oh and I almost forgot to say attracting the right type of guy rather than not!
    So what is the price?
    You get all of this for just US$97!
    Now remember what we send in before? It doesn’t matter about your relationship history or how much therapy you have had or how many different techniques you have tried before. You can transform your love life right NOW!
    Here’s our 100% iron clad triple guarantee: If you don’t like our approach for any reason you can have your money back with 60 days. If you don’t our Australian or British accents, we will guarantee your money back. If for any reason you feel it isn’t working for you, no questions asked, you can get your money back.
    Experience tells us this. That you are tired of worrying when your going to have a future relationship and you want to get off the 'tired of being single treadmill'.
    Maybe you’re not ready to get on with find the love of your life and that's okay.   Maybe it’s just not the right time yet? 

    We understand this but we can’t guarantee this price will stay the way it is for much longer.
    Here’s a better choice that awaits you
    •  Eye-opening awareness of a different love path that is available to you RIGHT NOW!
    •  Unlocking your true love potential with a simple method that works! 
    •  A fully supported program by experts who understand the perils of being single 
    •  Unique and fun approach to move on from old love habits that hinder your love success 
    •  A magnetic love life formula that is easy to use 
    •  A complete package that comes with turn key tools to find the love life you truly want 
    •  A simple as it gets program that build your confidence and ability to meet an amazing guy 
    •  This program unleashes the love life you've been looking for in just 21 days or less!
    So what do you do next?
    Our motto is make to make it easy for you to reduce your fears and self questioning about your ability to find tru love.
    Simply by choosing to take action today, and dive into our easy-to-start Cracking The Love Code Blueprint…
    Everything will change for the better...

    Imagine, right now, how it will feel the moment you KNOW you've finally found your answer to breaking unhelpful love thinking!

    You feel alive...Full of hope and optimism...You are living the finding true love lifestyle…

    And enjoying every second of it...

    You are experiencing the freedom you deserve to trust in the power of love - at long last!

    Buy Now! So you avoid the repeated love patterns that continue to steal fantastic moments in your love life.
    Everything you need to do has been put into this program so you can enjoy an abundance of positive thoughts, self-assurance, peace and calm about love.
    When you buy Cracking the Love Code, you get all this with immediate access
    No need for postage and no need for waiting

    You can start right NOW!
    Once you BUY, you will receive an email with login details, so you access the program straight away.
    Any questions, our support team are here.